Government Financial Transparency, Accountability, & the European Economic Crisis: Paths to Prosperity
(29-30 April 2016, Los Angeles, CA)
MANUZI, Martin
Regional Director, Europe of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England
Topic: Trust and Confidence Only Through Transparency and Accountability

Martin Manuzi is Regional Director, Europe of ICAEW – the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. ICAEW is the largest professional accountancy Institute in Europe and as required by its Royal Charter works in the public interest. ICAEW’s activities in the Europe Region encompass interaction with the European Institutions and key stakeholders on EU regulatory and public affairs, increasing access to ICAEW’s portfolio of qualifications and services and supporting ICAEW members. Martin is Technical Adviser on the Board of the Federation of European Accountants (FEE) for the Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies (CCAB – which consists of the major professional accountancy bodies in the UK and Ireland). For ICAEW Martin leads the ICAEW / PwC discussion series ‘Sustainable public finances – EU perspectives’, established in 2013 to advance EU policy on public sector financial management and accountability. He also chairs the Accountancy Profession Strategic Forum (APSF), an ICAEW initiative to encourage proactive strategic planning and innovation among professional accountancy bodies. Born and educated in the UK, Martin completed a Ph.D. in history on the interaction between politics and management in the Italian state industrial sector, from the collapse of the Italian banking sector in the interwar period to the privatisations in the 1980s.


Recommended Readings: Insights into the Annual Green Budget Review of the UK Whole of Government Accounts and Budget

  1. USC Summit Presentation: ICAEW IFS Green Budgets
  2. IFS Green Budget, Chapter 4 Whole of Government Accounts: An ICAEW Assessment

Q&A Session