

  1. “Solidarity with Greece Will Render its Debt Sustainable,” by Klaus Regling, Financial Times – Feb 9, 2017
  2. ” ‘Unsustainable Debt’ has proved to be a fiction,” by Ian Ball, Financial Times – Feb 12, 2017
  3. “Greece: A Lethal Cocktail of Christmas Bonuses and Poor Management,” by Ian Ball, Public Finance International – Jan 6, 2017
  4. “Licence to Disclose,” Paul Kazarian Q&A session at The Accountant & International Accounting Bulletin conference, The Accountant – Oct 6, 2016
  5. “IMF: In or out of the Greek program?” by Theodore Pelagidis, The Brookings Institution – Oct 25, 2016
  6. “Last Lifelines Crumble for Many Greek Families as New Conflict with Creditors Loom,” by Nektaria Stamouli, Wall Street Journal – Jan 13, 2017
  7. Paul Kazarian granted special editors’ award of global accountancy magazines for his contribution to strengthening democracy through government financial management, The Accountant – Sept 26, 2016
  8. “Greece Needs to Be Honest About the Numbers,” by Michael G. Jacobides, Harvard Business Review – Sept 16, 2016
  9. Interview with Paul B. Kazarian on “Debt Competitive Advantage of Greece,” by Yiannis Kanoupaki, Naftemporiki – Oct 3, 2016
  10. Indeed, “the net debt of the country is only €72 billion,” interview with Paul B. Kazarian (Chairman & CEO of Japonica Partners) by Yannis Palaiologos, Kathimerini – Sept 11, 2016
  11. “How to Fix Greece,” Columbia Business School – Jul 26, 2016
  12. “The Debate on Greek Public Debt,” by Gikas Hardouvelis (Former Finance Minister of Geece), Huffington Post – Feb 29, 2016
  13. “What if Greece got massive debt relief but no one admitted it? (Part 1.5),” by Matthew C. Klein, Financial Times – Jun 6, 2016
  14. “The IMF is Right About Greece,” by Editorial Board, Bloomberg – May 9, 2016
  15. “Are You Rebuilding or Damaging Greece?” Greek Economy, Kathimerini – Apr 10, 2016
  16. “The Jig is Up,” Editorial, Kathimerini – Apr 6, 2016
  17. “How to Turnaround a Country,” by Paul B. Kazarian and George Serafeim, Kathimerini – Jan 17, 2016
  18. “American Activist is Looking for an Executive Turnaround Manager for Greece,” by Jeroen Molenaar, Het Financieele Dagblad – Jan 14, 2016
  19. “Greece’s New Agreement with Europe: Is This Time Different?” by Paul B. Kazarian and Theodore Pelagidis, Intereconomics – Sep/Oct 2015
  20. “Greece’s Bailout Package: Missing IPSAS?” The Accountant – Sept 2015
  21. “CIPFA Urges Greek Government to Use IPSAS to Correct Over-Statement of Debt,” CIPFA Press Release – Aug 11, 2015
  22. “Sovereign Debt Crises – Accounting Matters,” IFAC – Jul 20, 2015
  23. “Debt Sustainability Puzzles: Implications for Greece,” by Julian Schumacher & Beatrice Weder di Mauro, – Jul 12, 2015
  24. “Greece is Solvent but Illiquid: Policy Implications,” by Paul De Grauwe, – Jul 3, 2015
  25. “Can the Greek State Pay for Itself?” by Daniel Gros, Center for European Policy Studies – Jun 5, 2015
  26. “Greece’s Debt: Sustainable?” by George Serafeim, Harvard Business School Case Study – Jun 16, 2015
  27. “The Greek Bailout Drama: Is This Time Different?” by Theodore Pelagidis, Brookings – Jul 27, 2015
  28. “Would IPSAS help Greece?” by Ian Ball, Public Money & Management – Jul 30, 2015
  29. “No Permanent Provision for Greece” – Wirtschaftsrat der CDU (Economic Council) – Feb 24, 2015
  30. “Greece Bailout Includes €50 Billion Asset Fund. Here’s How to Avoid Wasting It,” by George Serafeim, The Conversation – Jul 14, 2015
  31. “Greece Adopts IPSAS!” by Ian Ball, Public Finance International – May 19, 2015
  32. “Another look at Greece,” by Christian Beermann, Süddeutsche Zeitung – May 10, 2015
  33. “Greece Owes Less Than Europe Says,” by Jacob Soll, Politico – Jul 2, 2015
  34. “Europe Slow to Adopt New Accounting Standard Despite Greek Crisis,” by Simon Nixon, Wall Street Journal – Apr 12, 2015
  35. “Greek Debt Vastly Overstated, Investor Tells the World,” by Landon Thomas, Jr., New York Times, Feb 20, 2015
  36. Greece: 21st Century “War Between the States”? by Vincent J. Truglia, Clear and Candid Blog – Dec 30, 2014
  37. “The Irony of Greek Debt and German Demands,” Robert Whiteman (CEO, CIPFA), Global Government Forum – Apr 6, 2015
  38. “Opacity in the Management of the Public Finances,” by Costas Bakouris, President of Transparency International in Greece, Naftemporiki – Feb 19, 2015
  39. “Greece to Adopt International Public Sector Accounting Standards,” by A. Makris, GreekReporter – Jun 3, 2015
  40. “The Eternal Greece of the Financial Engineer’s Mind,” by Nick Dunbar, Nick Dunbar Blog – Jul 13, 2015
  41. “Greece is Solvent, but Illiquid: What Should the ECB Do?” by Paul de Grauwe, Center for European Policy Studies – Jun 18, 2015
  42. “The European Problem We Aren’t Talking About: Where Are the Accountants?” by Jacob Soll, Politico – May 2015 Issue
  43. “What Greek Accounting Woes Can Teach Asia” – Straits Times – Nov 2014
  44. Greece’s Secret Huge Competitive Advantage – Keynote Speaker, Paul B. Kazarian, Japonica Partners – Forbes Banking and Insurance Forum (Athens, Greece) – Mar 27, 2015
  45. “Ask the Question: Why is Discussing the Most Important Reform in Greece Totally Taboo?” by Paul B. Kazarian, Kathimerini – Feb 15, 2015
  46. Marco Cangiano, IMF – Statement to NESAS Athens (Slide Excerpt) – Jun 2014
  47. “Don’t Mention the Debt,” by Ian Ball, Public Finance International – Nov 7, 2014
  48. “Greece’s Accounting Problem,” by Jacob Soll, New York Times – Jan 20, 2015
  49. “Time Running Out for Greece, says Germany’s Schaeuble,” by Caroline Copley, Matthias Sobolewski & Stephen Brown, Reuters – Mar 18, 2015
  50. “IPSAS – And the Real Economic Burden of Greek Sovereign Debt,” by Stavros Kostas, Business Partners – March/April 2015 Issue
  51. IPSAS and Greece Special Supplement – Nov 2014
  52. Jump Start Investments and New Jobs in Greece with Good Government Accounting,” by Elias Spirtounias, Business Partners Special Supplement – Nov 2014
  53. “An Unspoken Huge Advantage,” by Spyros Olympios, Business Partners Special Supplement – Nov 2014
  54. “The ECB Collateral for Greece Must be Lowered to 5 Percent,” by Dimitri Tzanninis, Business Partners Special Supplement – Nov 2014
  55. “The Greek Elephant in the Room,” by Ian Ball, Business Partners Special Supplement- Nov 2014
  56. “Greece Has Earned the Right to Compete Fairly,” by Yiannis Pehlivanidis, Business Partners Special Supplement – Nov 2014
  57. “Moving to International Accounting Standards: The Austrian Case,” by Gerhard Steger, NESA Athens – Jun 2014
  58. “Here’s How Countries Can Achieve Accountability” – USC News – Dec 2014
  59. The Reckoning: Financial Accountability and the Rise and Fall of Nations”, by Jacob Soll – Apr 2014
  60. “Greece’s Net Debt is 18% of GDP, Not 175%. What’s Germany’s?” by Panos Mourdoukoutas, Forbes – Jan 22, 2015
  61. “False Profits,” by Robert Bruce, Accountancy Futures: Global Economy Accountancy (Edition 9) – 2015
  62. “Greece Needs an Accounting Revolution,” by Christopher Westfall, FEI Daily – Feb 17, 2015
  63. Greece Competitive Advantage in the Global Supply Chain – Berlin International Conference – Oct 2014
  64. “Greece and the Eurozone at a Tipping Point,” by Vincent J. Truglia, Clear and Candid Blog – Feb 7, 2015
  65. “A Greek way out?” by Daniel Gros, CEPS – Feb 5, 2015
  66. “Greek Bondholder Japonica Keeps Faith as Morgan Stanley Wavers,” by David Goodman and Lucy Meakin, Bloomberg – Mar 17, 2015
  67. “Greek Debt and the Babel-like Confusion of Tongues,” by Bert Bakker, – Mar 6, 2015
  68. “The Greek Debt ‘Confidence Trick'” by George Pappas, Critical Legal Thinking Blog – Feb 23, 2015
  69. “Greece’s Financial Position is Widely Misreported,” by Ian Ball, Financial Times – Aug 12, 2015